Challenge Objectives - Generation 5

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Sunday, 31 July 2011

Chapter 9 - It's All So Quiet.

With the triplets now a little older, life in the house got a little easier. Of course they still needed alot of attention. There was teaching them to talk;

and of course practising for the Toddler Gymnastics Festival. Nobody did a baby roly-poly like Joshua.

Gerado meanwhile, has been promoted again. Twice in fact, first to Trauma Surgeon, and then to Gene Therapist. Apparently Gene therapists don't have a dress code, so Gerado has started going to work in his underwear.

As he is now a "proper" Doctor, he is also being called upon to handle Medical Emergencies. For instance, when he was at the park, and Brad Swift started feeling unwell. Mind you, the onlookers look more concerned than the patient....

Gerado gave him a quick scan, and then told him to take a massive capsule full of drugs. Good job it's not a suppository.

Ella has come back from boarding school, the art college has obviously had an effect on the little bookworm, as she looks every inch a hippie now.

I haven't modified her looks at all in this pic. This is how she came back from boarding school.
Apparently she doesn't even just look like a hippie, she also dreams like one.

She's also developed a special affinity with Sophia, which isn't surprising, as the two could almost be twins. Y'know, if there wasn't 14 years between them.

As for Megan... well Megan is still Megan. Trying to strangle herself randomly....

and proving that she is "Down with the kids"

In fact, she was SO keen to prove how cool she is, that she offered to teach Ella to drive....

Gerado was at the library, and it was Guissillo's day off. Meaning that Isabella was left by herself with the triplets.

Isabella was sitting there, working on the computer, when there was a knock on the door. She wanders over, opening the door she just stands there for a second before gasping "You!"

To Be Continued.......

Muahahahaha! Cliffhanger!

So yeah, there you go, bit of a longer update this time, got all the main points in. Which is kind of lucky really... considering what happens next time. Told you Cassandra would return for a Cameo. Word of warning, not too many laughs in the next chapter, so I've tried to fit loads into this one.

Anyway, comment :) and enjoy!


  1. Yay! I was waiting for the Isabella/Cassandra confrontation. :D

    lol, I guess I'm still waiting... mean, mean cliffhanger!

  2. Dun dun dun!!

    Love that she came back from art school looking like a hippie! Perfect!

  3. @ll Damn... was it that obvious?

    @Red I know! The only way it could have been any more appropriate was if she'd gone to the School of Peace and Love!

  4. Haha, I love the evil laugh at the end.

    I lolled so hard to see Ella the hippie dreaming of drugs. And Megan! Way to get your groove on!
