Isabella is not a naturally athletic Sim. Truth be told, she would rather spend time in front of her computer than at the gym.
Twinbrook scientists haven't quite mastered the art of 3D yet |
However, she has a serious weight problem. I mean serious. If body attributes could be measured by some kind of slider type system, then her natural "fat slider" would be all the way to the right. After enduring days of teasing at Elementary School, both from her classmates and from her (then) teenage aunts, she now works hard to at least keep herself in reasonable shape.
That has to be the world's strangest porn film |
Alright, so we have a fat kid who was bullied at school, her mother doesn't love her and she doesn't have a father. Do you see where this is going yet?
The one thing that seperates this sad little girl from the stereotype, is the fact that she isn't a virgin. She actually lost her virginity pretty much the moment she became a teenager to her childhood friend Amit Racket, who happened to become a teenager at the same time. Now I would hazard a guess that Isabella's decision to give herself away at the equivalent Sim age of 12 or 13 may have had something to do with her self-esteem being on the floor. In which case Amit just took advantage. Shame on you Amit! You should have known better at your age. Oh... wait.
Don't feel too sorry for Isabella just yet though. You see, she wasn't really interested in Amit, his lack of experience quickly convinced her that teenage boys weren't going to cut it for her. She wanted a real man. To be precise an "older" (old) man. Possibly she was influenced from all that time spent watching this delightful character puffing and panting on telly.
Seriously. This is like Sim Porn. The shots on the exercise video are quite scary. |
To be precise, Isabella wanted this particular older man. Gerado West-Hangnail.
This Guy is the Sim equivalent of 48 years old. Sim Bot-ox works! |
There is just one slight problem. Gerado is married. To a vampire. Of course a Sim like Isabella isn't going to let a silly thing like that get in her way.
So Isabella goes for a jog, and just so "happens" to jog by the West-Hangnail house. Yes, by chance. Jeez, you don't have to read into everything you know?
Guess who happens to be standing outside? Gerado's wife, Chambana. Yes... she is a vampire and is named after a space station from Star Trek Bridge Commander. Could she possibly get any cooler? Incidentally, the first time Isabella and her met, Chambana was also the size of a space station, although she has lost most of it by this incident, but I digress.
So our heroine strikes up a nice friendly conversation with Chambana, and happens to mention that she has had an underground pool installed.
Vampire standing outside shooting the breeze during the day. Makes my job easier I suppose. |
In what can only be described as the perfect example of how stupidity is a vampire's worst enemy, Chambana agrees to go back to Swift Manor and check out the pool. Seriously? The mother is an Insane Evil Genius, and you don't think "underground pool" might have hidden connotations you didn't consider? They say that picture's speak a thousand words... so I'll let the pictures tell this part of the story.
The Pools just down here! You should totally come and check it out. |
Yep. It's the old "disappearing stairs and pool extension" scenario. Didn't see that one coming did you? |
Apparently Chambana wasn't completely stupid. She didn't allow herself to drown. Not that it helped her much. Also, is it just me, or is Grim WAY too interested in her backside? |
At least Isabella had the decency to inter her in the Family Mausoleum though. Yeah, that one. With the fountains. |
So, Chambana's locked in the basement after a tragic "disappearing stairs" accident. I imagine your thinking that Isabella has probably gone for help, maybe the fire brigade, right? Wrong. You see, that accident was in fact no accident at all! I know! Shocking right?
Our heroine was in fact straight round Gerado's house, informing him that Chambana had done a moonlight flit (pun intended). Still, at least he had Isabella to cheer him up. Take him for a drink. Just doing what anyone would do if a man's wife ran off and left him right?
Yes I know it looks like she's about to go down on him. That would probably cheer me up as well to be fair. |
"She's dead to me!" Well.. you are technically correct anyway. |
I don't care how upset you are. A poem about a door is just not going to work. |
Getting a teenage girl drunk. Classy Gerado, very classy. |
That's gotta hurt.... |
She has to be drunk. This wasn't part of her master plan at all. Honest.... |
Wait... who was getting who drunk? |
It's not a bed! It's a fort! Alternative caption: DUTCH OVEN! |
Alright... first of all I realise I made alot of fat jokes. Just to be clear, I have nothing against fat people. Or fat Sims for that matter. However, Isabella was actually massive after I CAS randomised her when she was adopted. It happened to work as a plot-line. It's also a flimsy excuse for her losing her virginity so early. She actually did by the way.
Don't feel too sorry for Gerado. Alright so he basically got date-raped by a teenage girl who had just murdered his wife. Plus he doesn't actually know his wife is dead, he thinks she's ran off leaving him with their toddler daugher.
He's not exactly a saint himself though. Just after the last screenshot in this chapter I moved him in. You knew that was going to happen, so I can safely give that away. What you don't know, is that after I moved him in, he had no fewer than 4 different women on the go. That's excluding Isabella. 2 of those were vampires, including Chambana, and one was a ghost, so I guess he has some sort of occult fetish. Which actually suits my plot quite nicely, as it fits in with what I have planned for him.
I really hope that Isabella now has a bun in the oven... I honestly have no idea, as I have the conception notification turned off, but it would help the next part of my story immensely if she did.
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