Challenge Objectives - Generation 5

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The Swift Family Tree

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Sunday, 31 July 2011

Chapter 9 - It's All So Quiet.

With the triplets now a little older, life in the house got a little easier. Of course they still needed alot of attention. There was teaching them to talk;

and of course practising for the Toddler Gymnastics Festival. Nobody did a baby roly-poly like Joshua.

Gerado meanwhile, has been promoted again. Twice in fact, first to Trauma Surgeon, and then to Gene Therapist. Apparently Gene therapists don't have a dress code, so Gerado has started going to work in his underwear.

As he is now a "proper" Doctor, he is also being called upon to handle Medical Emergencies. For instance, when he was at the park, and Brad Swift started feeling unwell. Mind you, the onlookers look more concerned than the patient....

Gerado gave him a quick scan, and then told him to take a massive capsule full of drugs. Good job it's not a suppository.

Ella has come back from boarding school, the art college has obviously had an effect on the little bookworm, as she looks every inch a hippie now.

I haven't modified her looks at all in this pic. This is how she came back from boarding school.
Apparently she doesn't even just look like a hippie, she also dreams like one.

She's also developed a special affinity with Sophia, which isn't surprising, as the two could almost be twins. Y'know, if there wasn't 14 years between them.

As for Megan... well Megan is still Megan. Trying to strangle herself randomly....

and proving that she is "Down with the kids"

In fact, she was SO keen to prove how cool she is, that she offered to teach Ella to drive....

Gerado was at the library, and it was Guissillo's day off. Meaning that Isabella was left by herself with the triplets.

Isabella was sitting there, working on the computer, when there was a knock on the door. She wanders over, opening the door she just stands there for a second before gasping "You!"

To Be Continued.......

Muahahahaha! Cliffhanger!

So yeah, there you go, bit of a longer update this time, got all the main points in. Which is kind of lucky really... considering what happens next time. Told you Cassandra would return for a Cameo. Word of warning, not too many laughs in the next chapter, so I've tried to fit loads into this one.

Anyway, comment :) and enjoy!

Friday, 22 July 2011

Chapter 8 - Triple Trouble

Every time I post, I forget to put Generation 5's rolls up. I actually rolled it waaay back when Cassandra first entered the house. So here they are:

Marital Status: Couple
Number of Children: 1
Primary Income: Political
Secondary Income: Busker/Band
Generation Goal: Deadbeat Parents
Misc. Fun: No Strangers

I use the famous Heir rule, and I rolled Child No. 3 for Isabella's Children. Of course as I had triplets for the 3rd child that presented me with a bit of a problem... technically speaking it could be any of them so I will choose later. At the moment Sophia is the front runner... you'll see why later. She has... interesting features. I didn't bother for Famous Heir for Gen 5, as it's only one kid.

Also... I accidentally called Ella Cassandra when she aged up last time. Nobody pulled me on it... so it suggests either nobody reads... or Ella isn't an integral enough part of the story for anyone to notice. Hmm, well that isn't going to change I'm afraid.

Bear with me... this is short, I kinda was more focused on keeping screaming triplets happy than taking screenshots.
With the surprise arrival of the Triplets, it was time to create a new nursery, and rather quickly! Luckily this house was originally built for 8 Sims, so there was a spare bedroom to be converted. The decor left alot to be desired though....

Isabella's favourite colour is grey. Hence the drab look. I think it's quite fitting really... psycho killer who's completely neutral inside.
Never has a household been more busy. It seemed that no sooner had one baby stopped crying than another would start. Luckily Grandma Megan was there to lend a hand. Probably hoping to get more Evil Minions, she did a hell of a job on Cassandra.

Peggy hair always looks so wierd....
Baby changing effects are nowhere near as cool as the adult ones.
Megan even decided to retire to help out with the triplets. Gerado could have been a bit more sensitive about her body hair issue's though....

The ghost is Megan's mother. I forget her name. Kristine I believe.
Still, all this baby stuff certainly got to Gerado. "I feel 62 days old" he commented to Isabella. "That's because you are dear". "Nonsense I'm as strong as I ever was... wait... why am I glowing?"

With Gerado getting old, and the triplets taking up way too much of everyone's time. (Lol. Good parenting much?) The family decided the best course of action would be to hire a butler. Enter Guissillo. (I'm not making that up... it's actually his name)

Even though he was now feeling his age, Gerado insisted that he was still strong enough to do his job. He was still hopeful of discovering a way to at least let Cassandra control, if not cure, her urges. The only concession he would make to his age, was that he began to carry a cane. He even went to hold Medical Seminars in front of a bunch of rowdy criminals. (Thanks to Megan of course...)

Ella meanwhile, has grown to be something of a Bookworm. The only thing that she ever wants to spend her time doing is reading.

So you can imagine her delight when she was packed off to Le Fromage Art School. "Bu... Dad, I wanted to go to Smugglesworth!"

The days passed, and finally life returned to normal. By the time the Triplets birthday rolled around, everyone was far too exhausted just from looking after them to throw them a party, so they aged up fairly quietly.




I know, pretty bland and boring. I tried to keep it humorous, but honestly I was more concerned with getting through those last 3 game days than screencapping it. It was constant. I mean constant. The butler was hired just so my poor Sims could actually get some work done!

Sophia is... definitely intruging facial wise. I will be interested to see how she ages up. Also, Gerado's age is slightly out of whack, as the tattoo reset him, and I didn't realise :( so he's now a bit younger than Megan, I think he was a bit older before. *meh*

Next Time: More story! I promise! I may even wrap up the Isabella/Cassandra story if you're lucky. I may leave that hanging though... we'll see.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Chapter 7 - The Many Stages of Simdom

The shock of what Cassandra had done slowly wore off, and life in the Swift household returned to normal.

Megan continues her weird tantric althletic thing

 Using her powers to mystify bartenders
 and generally continuing to annoy me. Enough about Megan.

The next couple of days were very busy in the Swift household. First Isabella came down with flu-like symptoms. Shoulda had the salad Isabella... I told you that steak was bad.

Which obviously turned out not to be food poisioning at all....

She's also taken up hacking into the Simerican Government (one nation under Watcher)'s database, and now has genuine reasons to believe the government was watching her, rather than her just general neuroticism.

 What didn't help was the fact that her Uncle Rhys had asked her to fix his shower, and his insistence on meeting clandestinely when it was done.

Are you Grey Squirrel? Uh.. what?
 Gerado started doing surprisingly well at work, being promoted to Intern and then Resident. It mean long hours, but it was worth it, and he knew that he was one step closer to finding a cure for Cassandra. Now he was a proper doctor, it meant he often had to go out on emergencies, or hold vaccination clinics. Although some of the people he saw were obviously beyond medical help....

"Are you Three Fishes?" "Shut up Rhys"

 Then, suddenly everything happened at once! In the space of two hours the following all happened:

Cassanda's birthday

She still looks Crazy
Megan's Birthday. (and didn't she pick an awkward place to do it?)

and then finally, the arrival into the world of Joshua


 and Sophia

My apologies, it's mostly filler. So yeah, triplets. You have probably never heard anyone swear so much in their life than when that happened. I've only ever had triplets once before, and from what I remember, it was an absolute nightmare. So this should be fun :) I've gone from 3 kids for this generation, to 5!

The birthdays and the birth all happened literally at the same time, my camera was jumping around all over the place, it was pretty hectic!

Anyhoo, enjoy :)